Quality Policy Statement

Last Update: Apr 2021

It is the policy of KBH Building Services to provide its customers with a high-quality service that exceeds their expectations and thereby ensures high levels of customer satisfaction.

To supply our customers with the products and services they require we have developed a Quality Management System that satisfies the requirements of ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018

This has involved defining our business context and ensuring that our management system is aligned te and integral to our strategic business direction.

We are committed to satisfy all applicable requirements throughout our organisation and involvement of all our staff in implementing and continually improving the effectiveness of this system and will provide the personne! and resources to ensure that the importance of meeting and exceeding customer requirements is communicated and understood throughout our organisation.

Furthermore, we will establish monitor and review quality objectives on a regular basis in order to foster continual improvement in all our activities. This policy will be reviewed for continuing suitability and effectiveness at Management Reviews and as required and appropriate.

Please also be aware that Quality Management forms part of our Integrated Management System which conforms to 1SO 14001:2015 (Environmental Management) and [SO 45001:2018 (Health & Safety) as well as 1SO 9001:2015

This policy will be available to any interested parties and is published on our website.